Summoning The Spirit of The Wolf during the lunar cycles.
When summoning The Sacred Wolf as a spirit guide we are wanting to harness the Spirit of the Wolf as a catalyst for manifesting the wolf's natural instincts of protection, intuition, transmutation, loyalty, family, courage, wildness and freedom. Please use this guide to access higher guidance on your spiritual journey.

With the Sacred Wolf's presence as a spirit guide in our lives , we let the Moon phases guide our journey while harnessing the power of ceremony. I recommend creating a healing and positive space in which you can feel safe to bring positive growth and change into your life and the lives of those around you.
Using the moon phases as our guide we can begin to expand our inner growth with a reliable monthly rhythm, reminding us to check back with ourselves intuitively, while learning to trust our instincts . Understanding what to focus our energy on during specific moon phases helps when planning your ritual efforts.
Lighting incense, burning palo santo, sage or Rosemary can cleanse any negative vibrations of the room. Singing bowls, bells , or cleansing by voice techniques such as chanting or singing are very effective as well. Remember to light your candle and cleanse your space, recharging and revitalizing your altar to wolf during every moon phase.
Begin by writing your manifestation intention for the New Moon Magic phase of this guide . When we write our intentions it is often effective to put a specific focal point to what you would like your actual outcome to be. New Moon Magic- Reset your intentions. Be specific.
The New Moon is a spiritual blank slate, growing steadily in increments throughout the month .
This time is especially good for : Turning inward, reflecting on the past month, re-centering, and setting new intentions to feel more aligned in our everyday life.
Setting Intentions: What do we want our outcome to be ?
Commit to a specific intention or desire
*When writing your intentions , for the effectiveness of this guide, think in increments of a lunar cycle or a period of 4 weeks .*
New Moon Manifestation -
Calling The Wolf as a power animal is a reminder to keep your spirit alive and trust your instincts to find the way that will best suit your personal needs. When using Wolfās presence as a guide in your life, understand that when The Spirit of The Wolf appears as a spirit guide, it can be an invitation to look at what supports your authentic self and the true expression of yourself.
Meditation - Close your eyes and breathe. Focus on the breath for at least 10 counts, letting thoughts come and go and just sit with yourself for a few minutes. Start to envision a crescent moon in the dark sky and how you might like to grow with the moon over the next month.
Questions to ask yourself while meditating :
What lesson am I trying to learn through this cycle?
What lessons can I learn from a wolf spirit animal?
What kind of spiritual guidance can a wolf as a spirit animal provide?
What symbolism does a wolf spirit animal hold?
With every new moon, we reset, cleanse our spirit, and begin the process again with renewed intention and summoning of the wolf spirit. When you face obstacles, do not waiver, stand strong in your convictions and loyalties. First Quarter Moon Phase - Action - Moon (for refinement and growth)
Remember to light your candle and cleanse your space, recharging and revitalizing your altar to wolf during every moon phase.
During the First Quarter moon phase is the time to refine and improve the intentions you set when the Moon was new, trusting that your perfect intention is manifesting in perfect time. Believe it !
Momentum is building , aligning your feelings with the expectation of a successful outcome from your New Moon manifestation intention is important. Allow yourself to feel the feelings that you imagine a successful outcome would be. Believe it !
Write three feelings associated with the projected outcome of your original new moon manifestation below.
Full Moon Magic
This is a perfect time to consider Summoning the Spirit of The Wolf ritual !
When the Moon is full, create your Lupine Spirit Oil and use it to anoint your candle with Lupine Oil while visualizing your intent.
For example: everyone cooperating with each other, or your power growing. Your feelings of confidence and stability increase as the moon continues to grow. Hold these images in your head and think about how the wolf works with its pack, with a blend of cooperative teamwork and leadership.
Remember to light your candle and cleanse your space, recharging and revitalizing your altar to wolf during every moon phase. As your Lupine oil goes through the phases of the moon for several cycles it too will continue to grow in strength. I add a drop or two of my spirit oil into my candle every moon cycle.
Making Lupine Spirit Oil every month isn't necessary. Remember to anoint yourself as well as statues or corresponding objects. Just a dab will do. Recharge and rejuvenate your wolf altar by lighting your candles and adding or taking away crystals and significant meaningful items. Moving forward - Start incorporating into your everyday conversations keywords and phrases such as courage, freedom , family , loyalty.
Choose a few key words that when you speak them, you personally understand it is your intention to bring into fruition the spirit of the wolf in your behaviors.
Write the specific keywords below.
Full Moon Power - Be prepared to receive
When working with Wolf, you will be supported in your relationships with others, particularly groups and family.
Wolf will help you develop your ability to work well with others and find a healthy place within any given group.
When engaging with others, you will learn to call on your discernment and higher listening skills so that you can respond intelligently and without drama.
We then prepare to receive the full manifesting power of the wolf, working to develop our ability to work well with others and find a healthy place within any given group.
Here are a few questions to help uncover the meaning of wolf as your spirit animal: These are questions that you can contemplate during your meditative and reflective time .
Do you need to find more isolation to ācollectā yourself and reconnect to your personal, spiritual quest?
Do you need time for yourself to reconnect with your true, deep passions in life?
What does a wolf as a spirit animal signify?
What qualities are associated with the wolf as a spirit animal?
What does having a wolf spirit animal mean about my personality traits?
How does a wolf spirit animal influence one's behavior and actions?
How should I interpret my experiences if I have a wolf as my spirit animal?
Does a wolf as a spirit animal have a certain influence on my personal or professional life?
Can the attributes of a wolf spirit animal influence the decisions and choices I make in life?
How does the wolf as a spirit animal impact my relationships with others?
Use this space for other points worth contemplating about the impact of wolf being your spirit animal.
Last quarter - Continue the shedding process - Reflection
Finally, in the Last Quarter, we continue with the shedding process and reflect on the importance of lineage and family, connecting with our ancestors. The wolf spirit reminds us of the power of our instincts and intuition, cultivating freedom through carefully-defined rules and territory.
By engaging with the moon and the spirit of the wolf, we invite clarity and intuition into our lives, amplifying the positive energies and discarding the negative.
Wolf connects you to intangible realms, the power of your instincts and intuition.
Wolf reminds you of the importance of lineage and family, connecting you to your ancestors Using the wolfās presence as a guide in your life, we need to understand that Wolves are wild animals and are not easily domesticated .
When they appear as a spirit guide, it can be an invitation to look at what supports your authentic self and the true expression of yourself.
As we allow the Sacred Wolf to guide us, we harness the power of the moon's phases and create a safe space for positive growth and change to unfold. By aligning our intuition with the moon's cycle, we gain valuable insights into our inner selves and learn to trust our instincts. Focusing our energy during specific moon phases helps us plan our ritual efforts and deepen our connection with the wolf spirit.
About Wolf:
Cultivates freedom through carefully-defined rules and territory
Connected to lunar energy ā deep listening that comes with the quiet of night
Embraces strong pack behavior that breeds respect and honor
Write about three areas in which you grew while harnessing spirit of wolf during this lunar cycle.
Here is a handy PDF if you would like to print this out and utilize it as a work sheet.

This is awesome!